We're Keeping Flipster!

Extra! Extra! The ArtCenter Library now offers the digital magazine newsstand, Flipster! During our trial period, we saw high usage and satisfaction rates, so we are happy to announce that we have subscribed to Flipster. You can now browse your favorite magazines online from the comfort of your home! Read articles, research specific topics, look at photography, illustrations, layout design, keep up with current trends in your area of study, and do it all from home!

Flipster provides access to many digital versions of titles from our print magazine collection. Get inspired by top art and design titles such as Artforum, Aperture, ArtAsiaPacific, Juxtapoz, and Communication Arts. Access general interest titles like New Yorker, National Geographic and Rolling Stone. Catch up on cooking with Bon Appétit; read up on film with American Cinematographer; look at fashion through Elle; and get fitness ideas from Outside. Explore and discover magazines related to art & design, automotive, business, diversity, fashion, fitness & health, home & garden, news & politics, science & technology, sports, and much more.

Flipster’s platform allows for easy browsing on your computer or mobile device, offering current magazines and back issues of many titles. You can browse, download your favorites, search for specific keywords, and share content with others. It’s easy and seamless – just use the link on our Online Resources page under “F” for Flipster, or download the Flipster mobile app for iPhone, iPad, Android or Kindle Fire devices to start flipping digital pages! For more information on using Flipster, visit our FAQ.

We hope this new digital resource will provide you with a fun and visually engaging way to experience magazines! Try out Flipster, and let us know what you think. We will be analyzing the service and content on a periodic basis to improve it. Let us know if there are titles that you would like added, or if you think a title is no longer needed. If you have any questions or comments, you can email our Serials Coordinator, Maria Trakovsky.

Posted on 06.29.2021
Fogg Library
1700 Lida Street
Pasadena, CA 91103
Mon – Thurs : 10am – 9pm
Fri - Sat : 10am – 5pm
Sun : closed
Archives & Special Collections
950 S. Raymond Avenue
Pasadena, CA 91105
Mon – Fri: 9am – 4pm
Sat – Sun: closed
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