Introducing Colourbox

Use Colourbox! It's a great stock image and video repository for graphic and multimedia design. The photography, images, vectors and videos available through Colourbox are licensed for use and distribution for non-commercial and educational purposes. That means you can use Colourbox media in course work with usage rights. (It is recommended to attribute source to Colourbox when using media from the site). We recommend Colourbox to students looking for illustration vectors or photography to make their presentations and posters POP! For other uses, check this FAQ for confirmation your use adheres to the guidelines under the educational license.

Through your access as an ArtCenter student, faculty or staff member, you may download 30 items from the Colourbox catalog every month using our educational access. Please email us at the Library at for the current key. Activate the key at ASAP and get a leg up on your next poster or post!

Posted on 02.16.2024
Featured Resource
Fogg Library
1700 Lida Street
Pasadena, CA 91103
Mon – Thurs : 10am – 9pm
Fri – Sat : 10am – 5pm
Sun : Closed
Archives & Special Collections
950 S. Raymond Avenue
Pasadena, CA 91105
Mon – Fri: 9am – 4pm
Sat – Sun: Closed
South Campus hold pickup shelf available at 1111 Lobby