ArtCenter will be holding Alumni Reunion 2018 from October 26–28. Visit with staff from the Library and Archives over the weekend to learn more about services to alumni and see some of the collections.
Open House
Saturday, October 26, 11:00am–12:00pm
Fogg Library, Hillside Campus
Come by the Library Open House and see a new display featuring alumni publications, visit with the librarians, and learn about how alumni can check out materials and use the resources.
Departmental Receptions
Friday, October 26 – Saturday, October 27
Alumni Center, 4th floor, 1111 Building, South Campus
The College Archives will be on hand during the departmental receptions to show materials from the collections and online catalog. Learn more about the Archives and how you can donate materials.
Car Classic
Sunday, October 27, 10:30am–4:30pm
Hillside Campus
See the College Archives display showing the 70-year history of Transportation Design at ArtCenter.
626 396-2233
Pasadena, CA 91103
Fri – Sat : 10am – 5pm
Sun : Closed
Pasadena, CA 91105
Sat – Sun: Closed
South Campus hold pickup shelf available at 1111 Lobby